I can't believe this is finally a reality!
It was very hard getting here, it was hard to make it a reality but now it's here and I'm happy and proud. I made a whole magazine all by myself and I really think that's fantastic!
[contact me if you want me to make yours too!]
I'm already excited for all I will be able to share on the next issues.
Here you'll be able to find all the links to the different marketplaces where this zine is available for purchase. I love digital but I'm a huge fan of print. I think the feel of a magazine or a book in your hands is still the best feeling. It reminds me of printed photos.
If you can, please, buy my zine, I think you'll like it. I know many of you probably aren't able to buy it at all or maybe just later and that's ok too. There are many ways to help me if you really want to. Liking and commenting on my posts and visiting my website helps a lot. Sharing my posts in your stories also helps a lot. Telling someone you think might like my zine about it helps a bunch!!! Basically everything other than ignoring it will help! ha! lol
Thank you so much!!