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  • Writer's pictureJoanaLou

A comeback

In a time of social media oversaturation, I feel like going back to having a blog. Instagram is somewhat my current blog. After starting a blog in 2003, I feel I never stopped blogging my experiences even if in very different ways throughout the decades.

Blogging is a lonely and selfish act. Most writing starts out that way. There are feelings and things that need to be said so the person gets a release. If you're not a people person, which, if you have a blog, probably aren't, your words won't reach far. It's lonely when you write it and it's lonely in the aftermath because no one, or almost no one, will read it.

My writing has always been selfish and I feel it will continue to unapologetically be so.

Writing on a blog makes me be here for a while, it makes me be present instead of making myself numb yet again so I can escape the place I'm at in life.

The selfishness in this blog is it being here, on a website, instead of easily accessible on social media. Maybe I'm prioritising my space over your comfort. Maybe I'm setting myself for to not be read at all. Sometimes that's good because it will require much less policing from my part on what I allow myself to say, like talking about being selfish or many other silly stuff.

All this to say I expect to be here more often. I know I've made these kind of promises before, but I don't see this as a promise per se, but as I challenge to myself.

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